Technology Integration

Tech2Learn: Success Stories of Technology Integration in the Classroom

This video series goes inside the classrooms of educators who use technology tools in their lessons every day. Learn from their challenges, celebrate their successes, and share their resources in every episode.

May 9, 2012 Updated December 15, 2014

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The Tech2Learn series is a co-production with the Teaching Channel.

Enhancing Lessons With Blended Learning

Related Resources From Edutopia

Collaborative Digital Presentations With Online Tools

Related Resources From Edutopia

  • Classroom in the Cloud: Technology as a Learning Environment, by Laura Fleming (2014)

    An under-utilized high school library becomes a constant learning organization and a place of cloud literacy where students present to each other and collaborate via their avatars inside 3-D virtual classrooms.

  • Author Commentary That’s Simply App Smashing, by Ross Cooper (2014)

    Cooper, a fourth grade teacher with a creative approach to literature study, gets his students into the authors' heads by having them imagine an interview and then construct it collaboratively via app smashing.

  • 4 Free Web Tools to Boost Student Engagement, by Nicolas Pino James (2014)

    James, a teacher researcher focused on effective learning and teaching, suggests four collaborative-presentation tool technologies for engaging students with course material in and out of class: myBrainshark, PosterMyWall, Screencast-o-matic and Padlet.

  • Redefining Learning Through Screencasting, by Beth Holland (2013)

    Holland of EdTech Teacher looks at the SAMR Model as she walks us through ways to redefine learning through screencasting apps that allow students to combine audio, images, drawing, and text to present, tell stories, and explain thought processes. For more on screencasting, also read "Common Core in Action: Screencasting in the Fourth Grade Math Classroom," by Monica Burns.

  • Teaching Presentation Skills With Ignite, by Andrew Miller (2012)

    Miller describes how Ignite, a clock-driven presentation method, offers students an exciting challenge.

Engaging Kids With Digital Video Production

Related Resources From Edutopia

  • 5 Apps for Making Movies on Mobile Devices, by Monica Burns (2014)

    Burns reviews five movie-making apps for iOS devices and Android tablets, highlighting their no-to-low cost, ease of use, and the wide range of professional-looking products that students can create.

  • Critical and Creative Expression for Indigenous Youth, by Donna DeGennaro (2014)

    DeGennaro, director and founder of Unlocking Silent Histories, describes the experience of introducing indigenous youth in Guatemala to the art of documentary filmmaking and watching them find their voices.

  • 7 Tips for Getting Started With Video in the Classroom, by Dan Callahan (2014)

    In this community post, Callahan shares 7 tips for teachers on how to get started with making movies in the classroom. Explore tips from other community members in the comments.

  • Five-Minute Film Festival: Vine and Instagram Video in the Classroom, by Amy Erin Borovoy (2013)

    Can seconds-long Vine and Instagram videos be used as teaching tools? According to a number of educators online, the answer is a resounding yes! To help educators utilize Vine in class, VideoAmy has pulled together some of the best resources and videos from around the web.

  • Lights, Camera ... Engagement! Three Great Tools for Classroom Video, by Ron Peck (2012)

    Peck walks us through tools that can turn students into videographers.

  • Digital Storytelling: Helping Students Find Their Voice, by Suzie Boss (2008)

    Though making a movie may have become easier, making a good one is still hard to do.

Differentiating Instruction Through Technology

Related Resources From Edutopia

Getting Started With Free or Low-Cost Technology Tools

Related Resources From Edutopia

  • How to Integrate Tech When It Keeps Changing, by Todd Finley (2014)

    For students to embrace the skills needed in a changing technology landscape, teachers must coordinate knowledge, instructional practices, and technologies to positively influence academic achievement.

  • Building Your EdTech Ecosystem, by Beth Holland (2014)

    A learning environment is a delicate balance of mutable elements, requiring a nurturing teacher and ongoing evaluation of information handling, content creation, and results.

  • What Edtech Can You Trust? by Judy Willis (2014)

    Education needs reliable standards for validating edtech product claims. Judy Willis suggests Consumer Reports, Edutopia, Graphite, the British Education Index, and What Works Clearinghouse.

  • Cardboard Box Tools, by Beth Holland (2014)

    Three digital learning tools, much like an empty cardboard box full of open-ended possibilities, offer young minds the free play of imagination.

  • The Epic BYOD Toolchest (51 Tools You Can Use Now), by Vicki Davis (2014)

    Davis shares a wealth of apps and platforms that can facilitate teaching and maximize learning within a BYOD classroom and school environment. She counts 51, and these are just her favorites!

  • Doing More with Less (and Other Practical Educational Technology Tidbits), by Adam Bellow (2011)

    The 2011 International Society for Technology in Education Outstanding Young Educator shares his thoughts on simple ways of integrating technology.

Programming and Video Games in the Classroom

Related Resources From Edutopia

Additional Resources on the Web

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  • Blended Learning

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