Integrated Studies

STEM to STEAM: Resources Toolkit

Whether you are looking for resources on integrating science, technology, engineering, and math or on infusing the arts to transform STEM into STEAM, these curated compilations will help you plan different approaches to integrated studies.

May 21, 2014 Updated January 20, 2016

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STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering, Math

Explore ways to use STEM lessons and approaches to help students practice cross-disciplinary thinking and build skills in science, technology, engineering, and math. (30+ Resources)


STEAM: STEM + Arts, Design, Humanities

Discover information, examples, and tools related to incorporating aspects of the arts, design, and the humanities into STEM-based school activities. (15+ Resources)


Maker Education

Find resources and tools to help bring elements of maker culture into schools and classrooms, and encourage students to explore STEAM subjects within the context of maker projects. (30+ Resources)

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  • Arts Integration
  • STEM
  • Math
  • Science

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