Maker Education

Resources for Maker Education

Find resources and tools to help bring elements of maker culture into schools and classrooms, and encourage students to explore STEAM subjects within the context of maker projects.

January 13, 2016

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Photo credit: James Emery via flickr (CC BY 2.0)

Getting Started With Making in Schools

  • Make the Most of the Maker Movement: Take a look at five suggestions for early adopters of maker approaches in schools. (Edutopia, 2014)
  • Middle School Maker Journey: Top 20 Technologies and Tools: Examine a list of 20 great tools that can help facilitate great projects and experiences in your makerspace. This post is fifth in a series describing one middle school educator’s year-long journey with making -- read all the other posts to learn more about his journey. (Edutopia, 2015)
  • Supporting Maker Education District-Wide: Review critical components to consider in order to effectively implement maker education within a school district. (Edutopia, 2015)
  • Maker Education Resources: Explore lesson plans, tools, and tips on integrating maker education in the classroom. (Sonoma County Office of Education)
  • MakerEd’s Resource Library: Browse a library full of resources on everything maker: project ideas, assessment tools, makerspace design tips, and professional development tools. (Maker Ed)
  • A Blueprint: Maker Programs for Youth: Download a PDF guide on how to design and implement a maker program in your school, community, or just about anywhere. (New York Hall of Science)
  • What's Next for Maker Education: Find information, resources, and professional-development opportunities in this online guide, including Edsurge's recent coverage on funding and building a makerspace, creating more equitable maker communities, expert tips, Maker Faire, and more. An earlier guide on "How to Build a Maker Community" is also worth a view. (Edsurge, 2016)

Launching School Makerspaces

Building Maker Mindsets and Culture

Selecting Maker Tools and Projects

Reaching All Makers

Examples From Schools That Work

Edutopia's flagship series highlights practices and case studies from K-12 schools and districts that are improving the way students learn. Below, dive into real-world examples of maker education in practice.

At Albemarle County Public Schools, maker education fosters student autonomy, ignites student interest, and empowers students to embrace their own learning.

  • A Student Maker and the Birth of a Startup: Read one student’s account of how he responded to a summer maker challenge and ended up demonstrating his sports training product prototype at a White House tech innovation fair.

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