Education Trends

Penn-Finn Learnings 2013: Setting the Stage for a Global Conversation

March 26, 2013

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Photo credit: Joe Mazza
Members of the PennFinn13 team

The PennFinn13 team has been in Helsinki, Finland this week learning about education in Finland. They have been asking critical questions about core values in place, curriculum, professional development, student voice and culture, governance, finances and leadership. Learning from the likes of Finnish leaders Pasi Sahlberg, Jari Lavonen, Arto Kallioniemi, Heidi Krzywacki and Atso Taipale, the team is providing an opportunity for the rest of the world to explore teaching, learning and leading in a top-ranked educational landscape.

Tomorrow, Wednesday 3/27 at 9AM PDT/12PM EDT, we're bringing together current students, parents, teachers and leaders from both the United States and Finland to have an open and transparent dialogue on the unique insights of the Finnish system. You can be a part of this conversation as we host a special live global Google Hangout. Simply follow this link to register:

During the chat, the following connected educators, parents, students and leaders will represent the United States on the panel:

They will be joined by Finns in reciprocal positions live from the University of Helsinki's Department of Teacher Education. The conversation will last one hour, and all questions will come directly from any of the following locations:

  • Comments from this post
  • PennFinn13's shared Google Doc of inquiry questions
  • Our Google + account
  • Twitter
  • Facebook

If tweeting during the conversation, please use #pennfinn13 to join across multiple time zones. If you or your colleagues are not on Twitter, you can see the global tweets using this Tweetchat link. Share this opportunity with your respective learning communities, and join us virtually in the same room on Wednesday.

To read ongoing reflections and takeaways by the PennFinn13 team, follow their blog at or like them on Facebook.

Credit: Joe Mazza
Conference site at University of Helsinki

Special thanks to the University of Helsinki for providing an amazing space for us to host this global PLC.

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