George Lucas Educational Foundation

Using Movement to Teach Vocabulary

When students explore new words through movement, they understand them better, retain them longer, and feel more empowered to use them.

March 17, 2023

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There is mounting evidence that knowledge sticks better when students use movement while learning new concepts. At Pierre Elliott Trudeau Elementary School (PETES), in Gatineau, Quebec, third- and fourth-grade language arts teacher Fiona Medley incorporates music and movement into her lessons daily. Not only is her classroom more active, engaging, and fun—Medley says her students are better writers because of it. 

To learn more about the research behind the practices seen in the video, check out the links below.

Pierre Elliott Trudeau Elementary School

Public, Urban
Grades K-6
Gatineau, QC

Edutopia developed the Making Learning More Playful series with support from The LEGO Foundation

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  • Brain-Based Learning
  • Literacy
  • Play & Recess
  • Research
  • English Language Arts
  • 3-5 Upper Elementary
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