George Lucas Educational Foundation

Building Literacy Skills by Sparking Imaginations

When teachers provide activities that encourage kindergarteners to explore the elements of storytelling through play, they lay the foundation for reading and writing.

August 23, 2023

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In a kindergarten classroom at Pierre Elliott Trudeau Elementary School (PETES), in Gatineau, Quebec, an activity called Storyland provides teacher Heather Balson-Riosa with a rich backdrop to offer up playful natural materials and whimsical stations that will ignite creativity so that her students can build worlds—and then tell stories about them. “It’s magical to them, and they love it,” she says. 

Oral storytelling is a bridge to literacy, and by tapping into the vivid imaginations of young learners, teachers can encourage exploration of fundamental story elements like character, setting, and plot—and set students up for reading and writing success.

Pierre Elliott Trudeau Elementary School

Public, Urban
Grades K-6
Gatineau, QC

Edutopia developed the Making Learning More Playful series with support from The LEGO Foundation.

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  • Creativity
  • English Language Arts
  • K-2 Primary
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